Chapter 1: Why should we share literature with children?

 Sharing literature with children is a way to get children excited about reading! It is a way that we, as educators share and show how much fun reading can be. Besides the sheer joy of reading, there are many benefits to children when they are exposed to literture. Children who read at least 20 minutes per day develop vocabulary at a much higher rate than those who do not read daily. This in turn can improve student scores when testing. Being exposed to literature at an early age supports life-long reading that in turn instills empathy, develops the imagination, and provides children with vicarious experiences. 

As an educator, I have always included literature regardless of the subject taught. Literature has taken my students on journeys around the world. Literature has shown them that there are others "just like them".  Literature has helped to expand their understanding of the world around them. Nothing is better than sharing a great book with children and seeing their enjoyment and love for reading grow. 
