Chapter 3: Anatomy of a Book

 Books are divided into three main parts the Front Matter, the Body Matter, and the End Matter. The Front Matter includes the book cover, title page, copyright page, and other pages that are optional. These optional pages include the dedication, acknowledgments, table of contents, foreword, testimonials, and preface. The Body Matter is the "meat" of the book or the main text. The body can also include optional parts such as an introduction, prologue, epigraph, half-title page, epilogue, and afterward. The End Matter consists of the back cover and spine. It can also include the appendix, glossary, bibliography, index, and colophon which are optional. 

I had always noticed how the layout varied from book to book but was not aware that they all belonged to three main parts. This was an informative and surprising chapter for someone who has always loved reading. 
