Chapter 5: What is YA Literature?

 Young Adult literature is literature that is written from the point of view of adolescents and their interpretation of events. This literature involves a young protagonist and characters that are highly independent and go through changes in their lives. These books show consequences for the main characters based on decisions and actions and mirrors concerns over contemporary issues. This type of literature is written in a way that adolescents can see themselves and their peers in the stories. 

I have only recently started reading YA literature. Teaching younger students, I always read Children's literature and middle grade books with students. For my personal enjoyment, I would read adult mysteries, suspense, and horror. I started reading YA books to "bridge the gap" so to speak between what I would read as a teacher and what I would read for enjoyment as an adult. I have discovered that YA literature is enjoyable, even at my age. The contemporary issues in these books keep me in touch with issues adolescents are dealing with in their lives. 
