
Alexander, K. (2013). Solo. NY: Amistad.

Solo by Kwame Alexander tells the story of seventeen-year-old Blade Morrison. Being the son of Rutherford Morrison, a washed-up rock star, Blade has grown up with glitz and glamour and all the money he could want. But all the riches in the world cannot make up for the fact that his father is a struggling drug addict that dreams of a comeback and his former fame. Blade also faces the tabloids that rip into his family's life. Blade's mother died when he was nine and with a drug-addicted father he is left to figure out life on his own. One day Blade finds out a deep secret that has been kept from him his entire life and begins to question his own identity. He sets off on a quest to Ghana, away from all the luxuries he is accustomed to, to find the truth about his family and himself. 

Kwame Alexander is a poet. His writing style creates wonderful novels that are quick reads, but pack a punch. The book is filled with references to music, which is part of Blade's identity. Readers of all ages will identify with Blade's struggle to find his place in a family where he feels like an outsider and learns that no one walks through life Solo.

Hear Kwame Alexander speak about literacy.
